Vanilla extract oil 1L
Vanilla extract 10ml is a light brown to deep brown thick liquid extracted from the seeds of the vanilla plant. It has a creamy and sweet scent. Our CO2-extraction method separates natural flavors, antioxidants, essential oils, and special fatty oils from plant materials.
The product is made with an alcohol-free process, ensuring vital chemical constituents are retained, and its biological activities are preserved.
The major chemical constituents of the natural product are vanillin, hydroxybenzaldehyde, acetic acid, isobutyric acid, caproic acid, eugenol, and furfural, and others. The oil is great for use in food and beverages, scents and aromatherapy.
As a food additive, vanilla extract 10ml helps reduce cholesterol and glucose levels and supports weight loss. It flavors ice cream, baked goods, yogurt, coffee, herbal tea, hot cereals and smoothies.
In aromatherapy and body lotions, vanilla oil assists in alleviating bloating, fatigue, and cramps. It supports relief from nervousness and stress in massage and spa therapy. It has medicinal use in treatments for fever, spasms, dysmenorrhea, blood clotting, and gastrointestinal (GI) distress.
Vanilla benefits the skin by naturally brightening up the dull skin with the help of vitamin B present in Vanilla extract. It soothes and calms irritated skin, fights breakouts and reduces the appearance of scars. The soothing scent of vanilla has calming effects on the mind and body which helps to improve your overall mood.