Citronella essential oil 10ml
Citronella essential oil is a pale yellow to yellowish brown mobile liquid with a slightly sweet, floral, rosy or lemon- like scent. Its appearance is clear, sometimes opalescent. The main active component(s) in a typical oil sample are: Citronellal (30 – 40%), Geraniol (20 – 25%), Citronellol (9 – 14%), Limonene (2 – 5%), Cytronellyl acetate, Geranium acetate, Elemol, and others.
Citronella Essential Oil is 100% Natural & Pure, Undiluted, Premium Quality Aromatherapy Oil- Keeps Insects and Mosquitos Away Naturally. Helps to Treat Fevers & Headaches. Not to be ingested.
Our essential oils are pure concentrates (100%) for use as base ingredients in the production of aromatherapy products, perfumes, health supplements, among others.