Halel Integrated Services Limited
Informações de contacto
Halel Integrated Services Limited
Technology Incubation Centre, behind National Food Reserve Agency, off Makurdi road phase2
Lafia, Nasarawa
08 11 589 5985
Endereço de envio
Technology Incubation Centre, behind National Food Reserve Agency, off Makurdi road phase2
Lafia, Nasarawa
We are an agro and food processing company. Our product range include:
1. Halel Unripe Plantain Flour
2. Halel Unripe Bananas Flour
3. Halel Peadi Flour Mix. for infants and children
4.. Halel Combo flour
5. Halel Soyaba Flour, made from unripe Plantain and Soy beans
6. Halel Agbokili Flour, made from unripe Plantain and Wheat
7. Halel Wonder mix Flour
8. Halel Banana Candies
9. Halel Plantain Candies
10. Halel Sugarcane Syrups
11. Halel Brown sugar
12. Halel Sour Garri
13. Halel White Garri
14. Halel Rice Candy
15. Halel Yellow Garri
16. Halel Garrivita made from cassava and Soy beans
17. Halel Tomatoes Powder
18. Halel Laundry Starch
19. Halel Dried Fish