Spearmint essential oil 30ml
Spearmint essential oil is a colorless to pale yellow, clear mobile liquid. It contains less menthol than peppermint, but it is rich in limonene, dihydrochalcone, and cineol and has a sweeter taste than peppermint. The method of extraction is steam distillation which ensures product is free of alcohol and dilutants while preserving vital chemicals and its biological activities of the product.
Spearmint oil is a major ingredient in toothpaste, breath mints, chewing gum, candy, tea as well as many other foods and applications. Spearmint oil also promotes fresh breath and it is used in cooking, baking and making marinades.
The oil has great anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antioxidant, anticancer, and cooling properties. It is beneficial for relieving muscle pain, arthritis-related joint discomfort, reduce redness and swelling. It kills acne-causing bacteria as well as reducing stress and anxiety to balancing hormones, headaches and several digestive benefits.