Oregano essential oil 10ml
Oregano essential oil 10ml is a clear mobile liquid, yellow in color and with a spicy -sweet and peppery aroma. The method of extraction is steam distillation. Our product is free of alcohol and dilutants. This preserves vital chemicals and its biological activities of the product.
It is a prominent product for food preservation and freshness, as well as a topical antibiotic on the skin for wounds or skin infections. Oregano EO is a great inhibitor of microbial growths, and keeps foods such as cheeses, meats, fish and fruit; it is an alternative to the synthetic food preservatives.
Oregano oil may help treat chronic bacterial issues, such as small intestine bacterial overgrowth. People with this condition experience gastrointestinal problems due to an overgrowth of certain bacteria in their intestines.
Oregano EO helps to minimise the effects of skin aging and improving skin complexion. It helps to soothe discomfort which is associated with arthritis or skin injuries.
The oil is used in aromatherapy where a few drops added to a diffuser or inhaler suffice. This method is commonly used for respiratory conditions or to promote relaxation. In massage and spa therapy, the oil helps to relieve muscle aches, joint pains, and rashes.
Oregano essential oil 10ml helps relieve digestive problems such as belly cramps, bloating, as well as irritable bowel syndrome. It is a great product for treating respiratory tract disorders like coughs, croup as well as bronchitis.